Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pecado É lhe Deixar de Molho; Os Tribalistas

“Os Tribalistas” was a musical project by these three (three, tribe, tribalism) Brazilian artists: Arnaldo Antunes, Carlinhos Brown and Marisa Monte. They reunited to write some songs together, to collaborate with each other, these things. The time they spent together was so prolific that the idea of create this musical project emerges and then the trio began to record their songs in Monte’s house. The entire process was filmed and is on Youtube, right here and here.

One curiosity is that “Os Tribalistas” never performed alive; they released an eponymous album and dismantled the band. The band, not the friendship.

The meaning of the song is explained in Tribalistas’ website and I transcribe it below:

Nelson - This song, ‘Pecado é lhe deixar de molho’ (It would be a sin to leave you idle), the bossa nova, also has many aspects from samba. It is a complaint song, which is also a tradition in this genre. But it is different, because generally these are songs filled with revenge, anger.

Marisa - This one is really about giving, it is beautiful. It is about giving yourself, I complain but I surrender because it is good anyway, thank you. I am going to suffer, but I want to suffer, I want to love. Loving is very good, you know. Falling in love itself is great. There is no passion without suffering.”

It’s such a pity I couldn’t embody the video here, but everyone must see it, so click here. ^^

The whistler is Cézar Mendes.

Falados os segredos calam
E as ondas devoram léguas
Vou lhe botar num altar
Na certeza de não apressar o mundo
Não vou divulgar
Só do meu coração para o seu

Pecado é lhe deixar de molho
E isso lhe deixa louco
Não, eu não vou me zangar
Eu não vou lhe xingar
Lhe mandar embora
Eu vou me curvar
Ao tamanho desse amor
Só o amor sabe os seus

Não, eu não vou me vingar
Se você fez questão
De vagar o mundo
Não vou descuidar
Vou lembrar como é bom
E ao amor me render

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